10:44 AM 7/28/2005
-sleep sleep sleep... what time will you come.
-slept yesterday from 10 till 3. havent slept till then
-finished my legacy to friends entry around 4am
-i wanna sleep!!!
What happened to my day... know the high points and low points of my day... Its a peek on the life of a FREAK. hihihihi... E N J O Y!
-sleep sleep sleep... what time will you come.
-Woke up past 12 noon.
HIGH: an irc friend told me where to buy snoopy stuff... yippey
-woke up around 1pm
tried to wake up around 8 but i failed
Was able to go out... saya!
woke up around ten am.
Watched disc 3 and 4 of Fellowship Of The Rings extended DVD.
-woke up at around 11am.
around 12 noon
9am - start of Fellowship of the Rings